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Lecture Prof. Dr. Claes de Vreese

How AI challenges democratic processes

Video Prof. de Vreese

The lecture video is available to members of HHU via the media library.


Automated decisions and AI systems are part of our democratic process. How does AI challenge the democratic process? What are the consequences of AI for (news) media and citizens? What are some of the regulatory challenges? This key note will provide an overview of challenges by AI to democratic processes. It will draw on recent (cross-​national) survey evidence on how citizens perceive these challenges.



Claes H. de Vreese is Faculty Professor of AI, Data and Democracy in The Amsterdam School of Communication Research ASCoR , University of Amsterdam (UvA). He (co-)directs the UvA Research Priority Areas Communication and Personalised Communication, and Human(e) AI. He is the founding Director of the Center for Politics and Communication. He is the President of the International Communication Association ICA.  Finally, he is Affiliated Professor of Political Science and Journalism at the University of Southern Denmark. His research interests include AI and democracy, comparative journalism research, the effects of news, public opinion and European integration.

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