HeiCAD Lightning Talks 2022
HeiCAD Lightning Talks 2022!
On June 24, 2022 the HeiCAD organized the first Lightning Talks on AI to provide a forum for all researchers of HeiCAD-affiliated groups to get to know each other and help in fostering collaboration and exchange within HeiCAD. As such, it provides them with an opportunity to obtain feedback from other AI researchers, learn about overlaps with other projects and benefit from the rich expertise within HeiCAD.
What happened at the event?
All participating doctoral students and early career researchers have been given the opportunity to present their (PhD) project in exactly one minute with exactly one slide. On the podium of Lecture Hall 3D, scientists had exactly one minute each to touch on an issue or research topic that dealt with AI. As the countdown expired, the space was left for the next speaker.
After the presentations had been run through, a poster session took place in the foyer. There, the project could be further explained to interested parties and they had the opportunity for networking while having some snacks and drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. There where all topics and perspectives and participants from all disciplines: from generic AI methods, AI or data science tools as part of interdisciplinary research or about AI, e.g. on its impact on society. The topics were divided into economics, medicine/biology, meta AI, methods and social sciences.
All attendees were invited to vote online for the best lightning talk or their favorite poster. With his topic "Modeling irregular morphological patterns with Transformers: the case of L-shaped morphomes" Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao made the first place of the HeiCAD Lightning Talks. Second place went to Phillip Spohr with "Gut Microbiome Analysis in HSCT Patients" and third place to Ahmed Nebli with "Towards predicting distributions of neurotransmitter receptors based on cytoarchitecture and anatomical location". We congratulate the winners and also thank them for all the exciting posters and talks!
Speakers and Posters
- Angelike, Tim and Papenberg, Martin: Improving k-fold cross-validation with anticlustering
- Backes, Tobias: Opportunities and limitations of lattice-based neighborhood for large-scale Entity Resolution
- Behrendt, Maike: Natural language processing for discussion platforms
- Bensmann, Felix: Interlinking Social Science Research and Social Media Discourse Data Using Methods of Machine Learning
- Boland, Katarina: Analyzing knowledge and bias in online discourse data
- Dabbaghie, Fawaz: PanPA: Panproteome sequence alignments
- Duong, Manh Khoi: Worldview Interpolation in Fairness-Aware Machine Learning
- Feger, Marc: Investigation of Online Argumentation in Social Media Context
- Dr. Gier, Nadine: Neuroeconomics of AI use in business
- Hoffbauer, Tilman: Using Transfer Learning to Improve Mutation Effect Prediction
- Kakolu Ramarao, Akhilesh: Modeling irregular morphological patterns with Transformers: The case of L-shaped morphomes
- Korlakov, Sergej: Time Series Clustering / Outlier Detection
- Dr. Kotzian, Peter: Behavioral Approaches to AI Acceptance
- Lau, Michael: Constructing Genetic Risk Scores through Statistical Learning
- Lösse, Leonhard: Challenging Local Interpretability of Financial Reporting Fraud Predictions
- Lopedoto, Filomena: The Network of German Artists, Collectors, Art Dealers and Art Historians in Florence, Italy, 1933-1945
- Mai, Linda: Acceptance of algorithmic decisions in education
- Momeni, Fakhri: The science of science: How can I improve my scientific impact?
- Nebli, Ahmed: Towards predicting distributions of neurotransmitter receptors based on cytoarchitecture and anatomical location
- Oberstraß, Alexander: Automatic Characterization of Cortical Nerve Fiber Distribution Patterns in the Human Brain From Ultrahigh Resolution 3D Polarized Light Imaging
- Otto, Wolfgang: Scholarly Information Extraction
- Pomrehn, Larissa: The perception of artificial intelligence decision-making in different contexts of career development
- Schellhammer, Sebastian: AI for science-related social discourse
- Schmodde, Lynn: AI in Human Resource Management (Use Case Business Manchot II)
- Schulten, Simon: Managing Bidder Learning in Retail Auctions
- Spohr, Philipp: Gut Microbiome Analysis in HSCT Patients
- Stangor, Philipp: Measuring investor sentiment from Social Media Data - an emotional approach
- Steimann, Jan: Inspiring Heterogeneous Perspectives in News Media Comment Sections
- Stodden, Regina: Automatic German Text Simplification
- Vaca, Esteban: Orientation distribution analysis of nerve fibers with SLI and PLI imaging
- Wagner Martinez, Stefan Sylvius: Reinforcement Learninng
- Dr. Wostry, Thomas: AI-based assessment of proportionality of pre-trial detention in criminal procedures