ChatGPT & Co. - Generative Models
The AI tool "ChatGPT" recently/at the beginning of 2023 caused quite a stir and impressively illustrates how quickly artificial intelligence is developing and what AI applications/tools can already achieve in part. In this context, ChatGPT is to some extent representative of generative models that can generate not only texts but also, for example, images or music. With regard to university teaching, ChatGPT, among others, has also raised the question of how to deal with such AI tools in the context of university teaching.
On this page, we have therefore compiled various information and sources of information on the topic of ChatGPT or generative models and university teaching. The contents are divided into publications, videos, and further education offerings according to their format.
Since the technology is dynamically changing and continuously evolving, this page will also be extended and supplemented. We welcome suggestions for additions and tips on interesting publications, videos, training courses, etc. - please feel free to contact the HeiCAD in this regard.
„Handlungsleitfaden des NRW-Ministeriums für Schule und Bildung" (12 pages)
Based on various questions, the guide provides brief explanations around text-generating AI (e.g., what text-generating AI is and why misinformation may occur). However, the focus of the guide is on the use of ChatGPT and related tools in the school context.
„Didaktische und rechtliche Perspektiven auf KI-gestütztes Schreiben in der Hochschulbildung" by Zentrums für Wissenschaftsdidaktik Bochum (41 pages)
The document is divided into two main sections. The first section focuses on an introduction to the topic and on didactic aspects of the technology (e.g., consequences for the examination system or the potential of the tools for writing difficulties). The second section deals with legal issues raised by the technology under discussion (e.g., authorship, labeling requirements).
„ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education - Quick start guide“ by Emma Sabzalieva and Arianna Valentini (15 pages)
The guide provides a brief overview of how ChatGPT (in version GPT-3.5) works and illustrates examples of how the tool can be used in higher education. In doing so, it addresses some important challenges and ethical implications of AI in higher education and suggests practical steps for higher education institutions.
„ChatGPT in der Hochschullehre. Wie künstliche Intelligenz uns unterstützen und herausfordern wird“ by Andreas Fleischmann (Neues Handbuch für Hochschullehre, Beitrag A 1.30) (44 pages)
Excerpt from the summary: "(...) In this article you will learn on the one hand how to use ChatGPT effectively, but also how it works, which strengths and which weaknesses the system currently has and how it will develop further. On the other hand, you will get an impression of the effect ChatGPT can have in university teaching by means of basic considerations and concrete examples - as a learning aid for the students, as a teaching subject, as a teaching support for you and in the examination process. Legal aspects such as data protection, copyright and examination law are also outlined." (p. 1)
Chapter overview: Chat GPT, ChatGPT as learning aid, ChatGPT as teaching object, ChatGPT as teaching support, ChatGPT in examination operation, outlook.
„Beyond the hype: ChatGPT und Co. in die Hochschullehre integrieren“ by Dr. Dana-Kristin Mah
In her block contribution, Dr. Mah focuses on the meta-level of the discussion about the use of language models such as ChatGPT in university teaching. Based on the seven emotional reactions to (abrupt) changes according to Streich (1997), the use or handling of language models in university teaching is examined from the perspective of the teachers.
„Chain of Thought Prompting – Ein Weg in die Gedankenwelt der KI-Sprachmodelle?“ by Moritz Larsen, Melanie Lucht, Prof. Dr. Doris Weßels
This block paper addresses the questions of how generative language models work, what opportunities they offer, and what risks need to be considered. The focus of the article is on prompts, with which generative AI tools are guided by users to generate a certain output such as a specific text or an image, and the supposed steps that an AI tool has gone through to generate the output.
„Vorschläge für Eigenständigkeitserklärungen bei möglicher Nutzung von KI-Tools” by dghd (PDF-Datei, 18 Seiten)
The Deute Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik has published suggestions for self-declarations for different learning goals in the context of the dghd topic series "AI in Higher Education" (2023) in cooperation with Martina Mörth (BZLHL Berlin), Anja Riedel (BZLHL Berlin) and Dr. Anette Glatte (TU Darmstadt): Acquiring expertise, Learning to write scientifically, Being able to assess AI tools and compare them with scientific methods, Professional use of AI tools in scientific work. The suggestions may be shared and used with credit to the authors. The PDF file linked above is also available as a PowerPoint presentation.
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has formulated initial guidelines for dealing with generative models for text and image creation. A published statement sheds light on the influence of ChatGPT and other generative AI models on the sciences and the DFG's funding activities. As a starting point for continuous monitoring, the paper is intended to provide guidance for researchers in their work as well as applicants to the DFG and those involved in the review, evaluation and decision-making process. (Source:
This article presents the potential benefits and challenges of educational applications of large language models from the perspective of students and teachers. It discusses the current state of large language models and their applications. It then shows how these models can be used to create educational content, improve student engagement and interaction, and personalize learning experiences.
Educational Videos
What is ChatGPT? (< 1 Min)
Aljoscha Burchardt (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI) succinctly explains what ChatGPT actually is.
How does ChatGPT transform learning? (< 1 min)
Aljoscha Burchardt (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI) briefly discusses potential application scenarios of ChatGPT in education. (<1 min)
University:Future-Festival: Talk by Christian Spannagel "AI Chatbots as Learning and Teaching Assistants at the University" (approx. 29 minutes)
Excerpt from the video description on YouTube: "In this keynote, Christian Spannagel (Heidelberg University of Education) addresses the constructive use of AI systems in education beyond prohibitions. He particularly presents ideas on how students and educators can utilize AI chatbots in their learning and teaching processes."
University:Future-Festival 2023: "Learning About and Learning with AI" by Ute Schmid (approx. 30 minutes)
Excerpt from the video description on YouTube: "Ute Schmid, Chair of Cognitive Systems at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, addresses in her keynote on the AI Campus Stage at the University:Future Festival 2023 the central requirements, from her perspective, for AI curricula in a wide range of courses of study, as well as the opportunities and risks of using AI tools in education."
University:Future-Festival 2023: "Lost in Space? The Journey is the Destination for Universities in the Age of Generative AI Systems" (approx. 36 minutes)
Excerpt from the video description on YouTube: "Where is the university system heading in the age of generative AI systems? Established and seemingly proven teaching and learning settings, including the existing teaching, learning, and examination culture, are suddenly being put to the test by ChatGPT and comparable AI solutions. Educators and university administrations exhibit typical symptoms and emotional reactions that occur with disruptive changes and resulting change projects. The presentation analyzes the current state but focuses on "trailblazing" concepts for realigning and even redesigning a future-oriented university in the era of AI."
"ChatGPT, Ernie & Bard: How do AI Chatbots Transform Education?" (KI-Campus, approx. 59 minutes) featuring Doris Weßels (University of Applied Sciences Kiel) and Aljoscha Burchard (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
This video is a livestream from the KI-Campus, where the hype surrounding ChatGPT, Ernie, and Bard is discussed, along with potential application scenarios in education. How can educators and learners effectively utilize AI-based chatbots? What are the current opportunities and challenges? What are realistic future scenarios?"
"Artificial Intelligences in Higher Education" by Christian Spannagel (approx. 1 hour 26 min)
Excerpt from the video description on YouTube: "Lecture by Christian Spannagel as part of the Research Colloquium of the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science at the Heidelberg University of Education on June 15, 2023." (Source: The presentation includes both slides and additional literature references available on YouTube.
Panel discussion "How do AI and AI generators change the role of university educators?" with PD Dr. Malte Persike (RWTH) and Dr. Peter Salden (RUB), moderated by Dr. Ivo van der Bern (StIL) (approx. 90 min)
Excerpt from the event description: "What does this often described as a disruptive technological revolution do to the researchers, especially the university educators of the future, when AI-supported learning analytics open up individual learning paths, multi-modal content generators create learning materials, and learning consultations are made possible? What role must or will university educators take in this process, or will they simply no longer be needed to the same extent? Does the focus of consideration lie more on methodological aspects (how should teaching be done) or on content-related aspects (what and for what purpose should be taught)? And, in terms of content, is it more about application competencies or the necessary foundational knowledge to understand and design these applications professionally? What impulses can be derived from media didactic counseling for the necessary competency development and a new understanding of roles? And how might fundamental structures and objectives of university teaching change in the future?" (Source: aforementioned website)
Further education
Self-learning offering "Language Assistants as an Opportunity for Higher Education" (KI-Campus) by Prof. Dr. Christian Spannagel, Dr. Aljoscha Burchard, Dr. Anika Limburg, and Dr. Isabella Buck
Course Brief: "With the course 'Language Assistants as an Opportunity for Higher Education,' university educators should creatively explore and critically examine AI language models in an educational context. The aim is to reduce fears related to working with generative AI and strengthen the role of educators as learning companions in a digitally-driven world. A change of perspective is sought, which focuses on the opportunities of intelligent language technologies for university teaching."
One-day course "Problem Solving with ChatGPT" by Dr. Jana Emontz (Heine Center for Scientific Continuing Education)
Course Description: "Problem-solving competence is the ability to analyze, understand, and solve problems. The increasing complexity in today's professional world also raises the demand for employees to possess this skill. Fortunately, there are many tools that support us in meeting these demands. Besides logic and creative techniques, companies are increasingly applying artificial intelligence (AI) for this purpose. Currently, ChatGPT is probably the most well-known AI. However, many people still use it like a search engine and do not fully exploit its potential. This workshop provides a fundamental introduction to problem-solving with ChatGPT. Using our own brought (unsolved) problems, we will explore various prompts and their solution approaches." (Source: aforementioned website) Note: One-day advanced course to our introductory course "Problem Solving 1.0"
Theme page "Chatbots & Language Assistants" on the KI-Campus
Here, various media and self-learning offerings related to the topic of language assistants and chatbots are compiled in a clear manner from the diverse offerings available on the KI-Campus. Initially, various learning materials (texts, videos, self-learning courses) are listed, followed by blog posts on KI-Campus concerning the topic, as well as updates and a list of the experts involved in the presented materials.
"ChaBoDoc - ChatBots for FutureDocs" (KI-Campus) by Prof. Dr. Anne Herrmann-Werner and PD Dr. Armir Madan Mamlouk (4 weeks, 2 hours per week)
Course Brief: "As a doctor, learn to use modern technologies in a competent and responsible manner. This online course aims to shed light on the increasingly important functionalities of chatbots and artificial intelligence in this regard. Through application scenarios, a fundamental understanding of these applications will be developed. Ethical questions will also be explored in the context of chatbot functionalities. The latest and most advanced model, ChatGPT, will also be introduced at the end of the course, as it is expected to have a significant impact on medicine." (Source: Alternatively, the description from the KI-Newsletter: "The course examines the functionalities of chatbots like ChatGPT in a medical context."
"Step by Step to Your Chatbot - Practically Applying AI" (KI-Campus) by Prof. Dr. Irene Weber (40 hours)
Course Brief: "With this learning-by-doing course, we guide you step by step into the topic of AI chatbots. The course shows you how and with which tools such an application can be created and the potentials that it opens up. Here, you will find a complete guide to develop and design such a chatbot yourself." (Source:
Every two weeks on Tuesdays from 12:00 - 13:00, the FernUniversität in Hagen and the virtuellen Kompetenzzentrum: Künstliche Intelligenz und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (VK:KIWA) at Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the AI Campus invite you to Tool Tip Tuesday. Innovative AI tools will be presented online via Zoom and use cases will be used to show how they can be used in teaching and research.