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Online: DICE Research Seminar - Job Market Talk


Michela Bonani (Tilburg University)

will give a job talk on               

"Uniform vs Competing Standards: A Structural Analysis of the U.S. Wireless Telecommunications Industry"

in the DICE research seminar.

You can find Michela’ website here:  https://www.michelabonani.com   

The seminar will take place from 16:15 to 17:15 via CISCO Webex.

To join, please click on https://hhu.webex.com/hhu-en/j.php?MTID=mae13466c8d2f83a465c8f2f172ddecc5






20.01.2022, 16:15 Uhr - 17:15 Uhr
Dr. Yihan Yan, DICE
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