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HeiCAD special event on ChatGPT and university teaching


We can hardly escape the hype about ChatGPT at the moment... But how does the popular chatbot actually work exactly? And how will AI technology change teaching?

HeiCAD invites you to discuss together with experts:

"ChatGPT and university teaching: How do we deal with it at HHU?"

Time: 3/13/2023 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm (8:00pm)
Location: Lecture Hall 3D | HHU Campus

The event aims to explain the technical basics of systems like ChatGPT and to give answers how we as teachers can react to it from a didactical point of view.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Milica Gašić /Dr. Michael Heck (Dialogue Systems and Machine Learning, HHU), Dr. Peter Salden (Head of the Center for Science Didactics, University of Bochum). The event will be held in German and English.

The event is open to all members and friends of HHU. Afterwards, there will be room for discussion over drinks and nibbles. Please register by March 6, 2023 at the following link: https://heicad.forms-eu.com/view.php?id=15573. Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you and having a productive exchange on this timely topic!

Kategorie/n: HeiCAD
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