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Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer HeiCADLearn workshops in the winter semester 2023/24. We are aware that the program has met with great approval and is currently lacking in one place or another. Nevertheless, we are unfortunately unable to offer any workshops at the moment, as our manpower is too tied up in the AI for All project. However, we are working hard on a solution to offer the workshops for PhD students again in the near future and ask for your patience.


AI workshops for research staff

Making the topics of artificial intelligence and data science accessible to scientists from all disciplines through continuing education programmes is an important mission of HeiCAD.

We offer workshops for research staff (doctoral researchers, post-docs and professors), in which the participants are enabled to independently identify helpful tools for their research. Here, we emphasise interdisciplinarity and networking. Prior knowledge is not required for the introductory workshops in the subject areas of artificial intelligence and data science. The advanced workshops offer an opportunity to further the knowledge.

Winter Semester 2022/23

In this compact 4-hour workshop you will receive a basic introduction to the topics of AI and data science.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to classify the significance of AI technologies,
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods,
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary/useful,
  • be able to point out the limits of current AI technology,
  • be able to describe the basic functionality of machine learning algorithms and in particular neural networks,
  • be able to reflect on and discuss ethical and legal issues.

Contents: definition of artificial intelligence, what can already be done with AI and what are the limits, machine learning algorithms and neural networks, ethical and legal issues, practical examples, networking


This course is offered twice in the winter semester - once in person (up to 16 participants) and once online (up to 25 participants).

Thursday, 24/11/2022, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm (in person, Werft01)
Friday, 25/11/2022, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm (online, Webex)

The workshops will be held in English.

In this compact 6-hour workshop, you will receive a basic introduction to the topics of AI and data science as well as programming with Python. No prior knowledge is required.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to classify the significance of AI technologies,
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods,
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary/useful,
  • be able to point out the limits of current AI technology,
  • be able to describe the basic functionality of machine learning algorithms and in particular neural networks,
  • be able to reflect on and discuss ethical and legal issues,
  • be able to set up a Python programming environment,
  • know and be able to use Python packages for data science,
  • be able to read, manipulate and store different types of data such as tables, images and numerical data,
  • be able to use different visualisation tools with Python,
  • be able to handle machine learning packages such as scikit-learn.

Contents: definition of artificial intelligence, what can already be done with AI and what are the limits, machine learning algorithms and neural networks, ethical and legal issues, practical examples, networking; reading, cleaning, analysing and visualising data in Python; machine learning


This course is offered twice in the winter semester - once in person (up to 16 participants) and once online (up to 25 participants).

Wednesday, 07/12/2022, 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (in person, Werft01) FULLY BOOKED
Thursday, 08/12/2022, 9.00 am - 3:00 pm (online, Webex) FULLY BOOKED

The workshops will be held in English.

This 6-hour compact workshop builds on the basic introduction to AI and data science and covers more detailed content and examples. In hands-on programming sessions you will have the opportunity to put the theory into practice. Basic prior knowledge of programming with Python is required.

By the end of the workshop you will

  • have gained a deeper understanding of AI methods and their possible applications,
  • be able to describe how a computer can process and analyse a digital image,
  • better understand and be able to explain the theoretical background of NNs and CNNs,
  • Be able to analyse your data and apply data science and AI tools as research questions and problems arise.

Contents: neural networks, maths of deep learning, imaging and convolutional neural networks, advanced AI programming, practical examples, networking


Tuesday, 13/12/2022, 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (in person, Werft01)
Wednesday, 14/12/2022, 9.00 am - 3.00 pm (online, Webex)

The workshops will be held in English.

Summer Semester 2022

In this 4-hour (in person or online) + self-study compact workshop, you will receive a basic introduction to the topics of AI and data science.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to classify the significance of AI technologies,
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods,
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary/useful,
  • be able to point out the limits of current AI technology,
  • be able to describe the basic functionality of machine learning algorithms and in particular neural networks,
  • be able to reflect on and discuss ethical and legal issues.

Contents: definition of artificial intelligence, what can already be done with AI and what are the limits, machine learning algorithms and neural networks, ethical and legal issues, practical examples, networking


This course is offered three times in the summer semester (twice in person and once online) and can optionally be complemented by the Introduction to programming with Python. It is limited to 12 participants, respectively (update: due to the high demand, we allow up to 30 participants for the online courses).

Tuesday, 12/04/2022, 1.00 - 5.00 pm (update: online, Webex)
Thursday, 21/04/2022, 8.30 am -12.30 pm (online, Webex) FULLY BOOKED
Monday, 25/04/2022, 2.00 - 6.00 pm (in person, Werft01)

The workshops will be held in English.

In this 4-hour (online) compact workshop you will receive a basic introduction to programming with Python. Here, we focus on the topic of data science.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to set up a Python programming environment,
  • know and be able to use Python packages for data science,
  • be able to read, manipulate and store different types of data such as tables, images and numerical data,
  • be able to use different visualisation tools with Python,
  • be able to handle machine learning packages such as scikit-learn.

Contents: Reading, cleaning, analysing and visualising data; machine learning.


This block course will be offered online via Webex three times during the summer semester and is limited to 12 participants, respectively (update: due to the high demand, we allow up to 30 participants for the online courses).

Wednesday, 13/04/2022, 1.00 - 5.00 pm FULLY BOOKED
Friday, 22/04/2022, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm FULLY BOOKED
Tuesday, 26/04/2022, 2.00 - 6.00 pm FULLY BOOKED

The workshops will be held in English.

Winter Semester 2021/22

This 8-hour compact workshop builds on the practical introduction to AI and data science and covers more detailed content and examples relevant to your subject.

By the end of the workshop you will

  • have gained a deeper understanding of AI methods and their possible applications,
  • be able to describe how a computer can process and analyse a digital image,
  • better understand and be able to explain the theoretical background of NNs and CNNs,
  • Be able to analyse your data and apply data science and AI tools as research questions and problems arise.

Contents: neural networks, maths of deep learning, imaging and convolutional neural networks, advanced AI programming, practical examples, networking


Thursday, 09/12/2021, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Friday, 10/12/2021, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm

The workshop will take place digitally via Webex and will be held in English.

In this 12-hour compact workshop, you will receive a basic introduction to AI and data science with content and examples relevant to your subject.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to classify the significance of AI technologies,
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods,
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary/useful,
  • be able to analyse your data and apply basic data science and AI tools as research questions and problems arise,
  • have the ability to differentiate where "traditional" mathematical/statistical methods should be preferred for analysis and in which cases (and where sufficient qualitative/quantitative data are available) AI methods can be used.

Contents: definition of artificial intelligence, ethical issues, light introduction to programming in Python, neural networks, practical examples, networking


Wednesday, 10/11/2021, 8.30 am - 1.00 pm
Thursday, 11/11/2021, 8.30 am - 1.00 pm
Friday, 12/11/2021, 8.30 am - 11.30 am

The workshop will take place digitally via Webex and will be held in English.

In this 12-hour compact workshop, you will receive a basic introduction to AI and data science with content and examples relevant to your subject.

By the end of the workshop, you will

  • be able to classify the significance of AI technologies,
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods,
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary/useful,
  • be able to analyse your data and apply basic data science and AI tools as research questions and problems arise,
  • have the ability to differentiate where "traditional" mathematical/statistical methods should be preferred for analysis and in which cases (and where sufficient qualitative/quantitative data are available) AI methods can be used.

Contents: definition of artificial intelligence, ethical issues, light introduction to programming in Python, neural networks, practical examples (including imaging and topic modelling), networking


Wednesday, 24/11/2021, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Thursday, 25/11/2021, 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
Friday, 26/11/2021, 8.30 am - 12.30 am

The workshop will take place digitally via Webex and will be held in English.

Summer Semester 2021

In this 8-hour workshop you will receive a basic introduction to the topics of AI and data science with content and examples relevant to your subject.

At the end of the workshop you will

  • be able to classify the importance of AI technologies
  • be able to explain basic terms and methods
  • be able to assess whether the use of AI is necessary / useful
  • be able to analyse your data as research questions and problems arise and apply basic data science and AI tools
  • have the ability to differentiate where “traditional” mathematical / statistical methods should be preferred for analysis and in which cases (and if there is sufficient qualitative/quantitative data) AI methods can be used


Monday, 12/07/2021, 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
Tuesday, 13/07/2021, 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
Friday, 16/07/2021, 9.00 am - 10.00 am

The workshop will take place virtually via Webex.

Responsible for the content: HeiCAD : Contact by e-mail