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HeiCADLecture: Future discussion on AI with Minister Pinkwart and media ethicist Filipović


What political action is needed to address the development of artificial intelligence?
A discussion on the future with the media ethicist Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović and the NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart.

Whether it is medical diagnostics, corporate management or political opinion-forming - the diverse applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being intensively discussed. The background is the rapid development of this key technology. It is considered a central factor in economic development.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister of Economic Affairs, Professor Andreas Pinkwart, wants to put NRW among the top ten AI locations in Europe. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for information on how this technology is changing the way we think, live together and make decisions. The media ethicist Professor Alexander Filipović, member of the Enquete Commission "Artificial Intelligence" of the German Bundestag, deals with this complex of topics. The two will discuss the opportunities and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence and the framework conditions that politics should create. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Gerhard Vowe, Senior Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.


15.01.2020, 16:30 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
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