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Heine Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (HeiCAD)

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are fundamentally changing both research and teaching at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. The Heine Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (HeiCAD) will actively accompany and shape this process. It is an inter-faculty scientific institution that promotes, coordinates and represents all activities of the university in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in public.



HeiCAD was founded as a central scientific institution of the Heinrich Heine University with the support of the structural fund of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is closely linked to the research group "Decision-making with the help of Artificial Intelligence", which is funded by the Jürgen Manchot Foundation and in which scientists from all faculties are involved. In this research group, concepts for interdisciplinary research and teaching in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are tested, which are then made usable by HeiCAD for all areas of the HHU.



To support the scientists at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, HeiCAD establishes a systematic network between algorithm and method-oriented research groups on the one hand and application-oriented research groups on the other hand. It offers further education opportunities and workshops and organizes the interdisciplinary supervision of PhD students within the framework of a graduate college.


Master's programme

In the field of teaching, HeiCAD supports the master's degree course "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science" and the teaching module "AI for all". It thus provides both the training of experts and a basic education for all students at the HHU.



In the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science HeiCAD is the central contact for external cooperation partners from society, economy and politics. It supports the transfer of practice-relevant research results to these actors and establishes networks with external scientific institutions. This includes in particular the participation in the development of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the future field of Artificial Intelligence in cooperation with university and non-university research institutions.


Structure and Organization

The organizational structure of the HeiCAD currently consists of the leading persons, the board of directors, the scientific staff and assistants, and the members. 

The governing body of HeiCAD is the Board of Directors, which is elected for a two-year term. It has a total of nine voting board members. The board consists of the members Dr. Peter Arndt, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer, Univ.- Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Pfeffer, M.ed. Stefan Reiners-Selbach, Katrin Rollmann, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johann Justus Vasel, Prof. Dr. Barbara Weißenberger. 

The operational team of the HeiCAD consists of director Prof. Dr. Martin Mauve, deputy directors Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze and Prof. Dr. Tobias Marschall, scientific director Dr. Saskia Reither, accounting clerk Julijana Popovic, and student assistant Katrin Rollmann. 


Responsible for the content: HeiCAD : Contact by e-mail