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Timetable 1st Semester

winter term 2024/25

ML = machine learning, Math = math for AI, DL = deep learning, AP = advanced programming, -X = exercise session (choose one of these for each lecture series)
  Mo Tu Wed Th Fr  
  8:30 -- 10:00 ML ML  
  10:30 -- 12:00 Math Math-X Math  
  12:30 -- 14:00 AP DL-X ML-X ML-X  
  14:30 -- 16:00 DL AP-X Math-X Math-x (online) AP-X (online)  
  16:30 -- 18:00 AP-X  
Exam dates:              
Machine Learning 4.2. 11:30-14:00 / 24.3. 8:30-11:30              
Math. foundations of Data Science: 14.2. 8:30-11:30 / 28.3. 11:30-14:00              
Deep Learning: 11.2. 11:30-14:00 / 31.3. 8:30-11:00              
Advanced Programming: none, only in the summer term              
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