Principle Investigators
Participating Scientists
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Haas, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology (Faculty of Medicine)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeffer, Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene (Faculty of Medicine)
Prof. Dr. Gunnar W. Klau, Algorithmic Bioinformatics (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Dilthey, Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene (Medical Faculty)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Svenja Caspers, Institute of Anatomy (Faculty of Medicine)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau, Institute for History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Conrad, Chair of Computer Science, especially Databases and Information Systems (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Harmeling, Machine Learning (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Leuschel, Software Engineering and Programming Languages (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
- Prof. Dr. Arndt Borkhardt, Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology (Faculty of Medicine)
- Prof. Dr. Markus Kollmann, Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
- Dr. Paul Jäger, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology (Faculty of Medicine)
Scientific Associates
- Dr. Sebastian Scharf, scientific associate, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene (Faculty of Medicine)
- Philipp Spohr, scientific associate, Computer Science Department (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)