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Dr. Dirk Hecker and Dr. Stefan Rüping (Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin): "Cooperation potential with KI.NRW"


At the end of 2018, the state of NRW established the Competence Platform AI.NRW to bundle and further strengthen the state's activities in the field of AI. The office of Fraunhofer IAIS (Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems) manages the competence platform in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of NRW. Its task is to strengthen research in the field of AI, to promote its transfer to the economy and to make NRW a leading region for professional qualification in AI as well as to promote the social dialogue.

Dr. Dirk Hecker, Deputy Managing Director of Fraunhofer IAIS, will present the initiative's field of activity in his lecture. The competence platform is continuously expanding its strategic network and cooperates at state, federal and EU level, especially with companies, start-ups, universities, colleges and research institutions.



08.10.2019, 17:30 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr
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