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Lecture Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Loitz

Utilizing AI and data to digitize the core business and invent new business of an auditing and consulting practice


Rüdiger Loitz starts with the type of data and its evaluation for business models. Their evaluation is, by the way, crucial for the assessment of today's business models and their verification. He discusses the restrictions associated with using data for new business and digitizing the own practice and concludes that the anonymization of data should be considered more carefully.
He shows AI injections for the course of an financial statement audit and presents the injections as examples. It becomes clear that an audit can be improved qualitatively by using AI and data. Finally, he explains the limits that exist today for getting knowledge from data and how to deal with them.


Rüdiger Loitz is partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers Germany/Düsseldorf. He is member of the Aussrance Leadership Team and responsible for Capital Markets & Accounting Advisory Services with around 300 employees and 15 partners. Additionally, he is responsible for Technology & Innovations for PwC Assurance Germany. His focus is on technology in all respects, he works for 5 years together with the German Fraunhofer institute with AI/Deep learning projects and the German Research Center for AI.