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Master programme AI and Data Science

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science are the driving forces behind the fast-paced advances in digitalisation and automatisation that will change our everyday life. This two-year Master’s programme focuses on the theoretical foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and their applications to real-life problems. Specialised lectures guide you the way to specific research areas, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and analysis of biological/medical data. Central to this programme are machine learning methods and their applications, with strong focus on deep learning.

Choosing from a range of elective courses you can tailor the programme to your personal interests. As a graduate of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science programme, you will have a solid understanding of the mathematical and statistical foundations of AI related research. You will also have a good overview over state of the art algorithms and an in-depth understanding of how to apply these algorithms to specific research problems. In addition, you will get the skills to carry out research in academic or R&D environments and to identify how techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science can provide solutions to data-based IT problems in industry.

There are no application fees and no studying fees, except a semester contribution of ~300 Euro.

The current application period (for the programme starting October 2024) is closed. The next application period (for the program starting in October 2025) will start around May 2025 and end on July 15th 2025.

IMPORTANT FOR APPLICANTS: If you did not receive any positive update on your application since the deadline, you are not admitted. You should receive an official rejection letter later. We apologize that this could not happen sooner.

Please note that all applications are handled in an equal and fair way, independent of their date of application, before the deadline. If you submit unfinished applications, with missing documents or even placeholder information instead of the true information, you slow down the application process for everyone and risk that your application doesn't get through in the end. Please only submit your application when it is finished. What counts as finished can be found in our FAQ that you're required to read first.


If you have any questions, please make sure to read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and include the phrase "I have read the FAQ" in your E-Mail to the Master AI staff.